Fastlanes Blog
Best Practices for Online ImpactKeeping up with Today’s Online World
In today’s online world, trying to keep up with the ever evolving changes in Social Media and Online Marketing can make your head spin. Of course the Internet also gives you an almost endless supply of advice, which in itself can be daunting to sort through.
I’ll do my best to pass along great information and viable resources as I discover them. Hopefully you will find it helpful for staying on top of changes, and have more time to take care of your business. Comments and questions are always welcome!

Top 10 Mistakes Bloggers Make by Michael Hyatt
Are you confused by all the conflicting words of advice out there on How to Blog? You’re not alone. Here are some answers!
There are No Rules – But How About Some Guildelines?
We’ve all heard the saying, “The only rule is, there are no rules.” And the same holds true when we attempt to create hard and fast “rules” to follow for Social Media. The moment you say ‘this doesn't’ work’, or ‘that does work’, someone will prove you wrong. Ask ten...
Make Your Blog Stand Out in a Crowd
I admire those of who come up with the cutest, snappiest and wittiest titles for your blogs. You know who you are. You could write about going to the grocery store and make it witty. Yeah, I admit it – I struggle when it comes to captions and titles. I’m one of those...
Twitter Shares – Which Content gets the Most Traffic?
When it comes to building brand and traffic on Twitter, I'm sure we've all wondered what gives us the biggest return for our time and effort, right? Well, seems Neil Patel had those same questions rolling around in his brain, and he decided to do something about it....
Facebook Frustrations
I’m sure I’m not alone in noticing that fewer and fewer people are seeing my Facebook posts in their news feed throughout the day. And of course when confronted, some time back, Facebook contended that the algorithmic changes weren’t purposefully set up to force us to...
Re-balance Your Life
The holidays were upon us. And the end of the year had unexpectedly brought in a mind-crushing workload that threatened to send me into stress mode. I know not to let myself go there. Stress plays havoc with my health – as it does with everyone. Too many times we are...
Facebook Changes: What Does it Mean for You?
Yes- I get just as frustrated as the next person with the ongoing 'live' experiments and changes Facebook puts out there. But this change is important to understand if you are using Facebook to grow your audience and drive new people to your website. In other words,...
It’s That Time of Year Again
Every year, the end-of-year holidays roll around faster than the year before. And every year I think I’m going to have time to do something different – like this year. I really wanted to drive up to the mountains, and the little town of Julian, enjoy the fall colors...
How to Talk to Anyone
A superbly nice gentleman, whom I see on a weekly basis at my networking meetings, recently told me about the book How to Talk to Anyone by Leil Lowndes. He highly recommended it and as I started to write down the title so I could order it, he insisted that I take his...
When Life Goes Off Track
I’m a planner, a list maker, an organizer with a capital O. It’s not that I am especially talented at being organized. It’s only that I’ve discovered it helps me feel that I have some control in my ADD /OCD world. I like to believe that I am creating order out of...
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