A superbly nice gentleman, whom I see on a weekly basis at my networking meetings, recently told me about the book How to Talk to Anyone by Leil Lowndes. He highly recommended it and as I started to write down the title so I could order it, he insisted that I take his copy on loan to read.
I hate to borrow books. For one thing, I have let people borrow some of my books and they are still out—never to be seen again. I don’t want to be the same type of book borrower and forgetful offender.
But he put the book in my hands and said, “Take it. Read it.” And so I did.
I’m here today to say, everyone should read this book. I don’t care if you read it to help you with your business relationships or to help you with your personal relationships – or both – this book will change you. How?
Having studied the Dale Carnegie course, and many other similar books, I can actually tell you why this one is different from all the “others” I’ve read.
It works because it doesn’t just tell you what you should be doing – it shows you how to do it. Sounds simple, but you’d be amazed how many books on this subject fail on that point.
Carnegie was great at telling us all that we should smile and be friendly…but just how do you go about doing that so it’s genuine and not creepy? Leil explains each technique with step-by-step instructions, and then gives you key phrases that will help you remember what to do in any situation that you face.
But do the techniques work? They have for me!
Am I an expert now? Nope – but I’m going to order my own copy now, so that I can read it again and make sure I’ve got it all down to an art (and yes – I DID remember to return this book to the rightful owner).
Has anyone else read this book and had the same reaction? Or disagree with me?
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