
I’ve used Facebook Ads for clients before and had some surprising success stories, but many people find the idea of setting up the ads and keeping track of the stats just too intimidating. That’s why this newest option from Facebook looks appealing to me.

Authors and small business owners, who have a limited budget (one that doesn’t include a paid social media staff) could especially benefit from this type of service. Hopefully you are already making posts to your FB Brand Page on a regular basis anyway. This is merely a step to add to that task.

Mashable has posted an easy to follow step-by-step guide that I think gives the reader a straight-forward look at just how easy this option is to set up and use.

I’ve included a link to their site and recommend that you at least take a look and see if this might be a viable option for you: Facebook Promoted Posts: A Step-by-Step Guide

Of course I can’t guarantee that this type of marketing will work for everyone, but I do believe that educating yourself as to what is out there makes it easier to make choices–so here’s just another idea for you to consider.

I would love to get any feedback you might have, good or bad, that you experience using this new Facebook service.